Nos Services
Les principales activités menées par BAC sont le conseil Agricole "expert" à l'endroit des Acteurs ruraux et leurs Organisations. Nos domaines d'intervention sont : le conseil agricole, l'analyse des chaines de valeur Agricoles, la transformation numérique du monde rural et la commercialisation des intrants Agricoles (semences, engrais, pesticides, matériel d'irrigation, etc.).
Grâce à notre connaissance des rouages, politiques et réglementation dans le secteur agro-sylvo-pastoral et halieutique, nous vous fournissons des orientation stratégiques selon votre domaine d'activité.

Conseil Agricole
Conseil Agricole Adapté aux Réalités Locales
Chaînes de valeur
Analyse des Chaînes de valeur Agricoles
Transformation digitale
Transformation numérique du monde rural
Intrants Agricoles
Commercialisation des intrants Agricoles
Leadership Team
With an experienced and multidisciplinary team in Digital Rural Transformation, Agribusiness, agricultural advice and business intelligence, our team strives to promoting sustainable, resiliente and inclusive rural transformation.

Aminou Salifou
Managing Director
The unifying theme of Aminou is the integration of digital data technology, content and services. Currently CEO of Bioengineering and Agri-Business Consulting, he is an expert in agricultural value chains development, youth employment and agricultural technologies extension and Technical Advisor for many leading local organizations in Niger. His career begun as Research Assistant at Department of …

Illa Salifou
Project Manager
Illa has had a 30-year career in major institutions in Niger. Before moving to Project Manager role at Bioengineering and Agri-Business Consulting, he hold Senior Researcher at IRI as Head of Department of Radio-Agronomy (Université Abdou Moumouni). In his career he worked for many leading institutions: UAM, ICRISAT, CRESA. During this time, he worked to the improvement of millet, sorghum, cowpea

Hamissou M. Adamou
Agricultural Value Chains Expert
Hamissou has over 11 years experience in various fileds. Agricultural economist, Head of cowpea value chain for REGIS-AG— a USAID-funded program in Maradi region— former of national General Directorate of Agriculture and ONG Karkara, Hamissou bring his expertise to BAC cabinet especially in value chains development, youth employement and gender autonomization in rural area.

Abba G.W. Mahamadou
Project Manager
As researcher and civil society activist, Abba Gana is an expert on Violent Religious Extremism for the Center of Cultural sustainability. He work for many leading institution in Niger like National Assembly in Foreign Affairs commission and Haut Conseil des Collectivities Territoriales as Administrative Assistant. At the civil society level he was an active member of Reseau …
With an experienced and multidisciplinary team in Digital Rural Transformation, Agribusiness, agricultural advice and business intelligence, our team strives to promoting sustainable, resiliente and inclusive rural transformation.

Aminou Salifou
The unifying theme of Aminou is the integration of digital data technology, content and services. Currently CEO of Bioengineering and Agri-Business Consulting, Aminou worked as agricultural technologies extension

Illa Salifou
Project Manager
Illa has had a 30-year career in major institutions in Niger. Before moving to Chief of Party roles at Bioengineering and Agri-Business Consulting, he held Senior Researcher at IRI as Head of Department of Radio-Agronomy.

Bachir B. Issoufa
Project Manager
Dr Issoufa has over 10 years experience in agribusiness, youth empowerment and entrepreneurship in rural area as he was Director of Research and Development at CADEL NGO. Now he works for 2SCALE, a SNV Program (Netherlands Development Organisation) in Niger as partnership facilitator in agribusiness and youth…

Abba G.W. Mahamadou
Project Manager
As researcher and civil society activist, Abba Gana is an expert on Violent Religious Extremism for the Center of Cultural sustainability. He work for many leading institution in Niger like National Assembly in Foreign Affairs commission and Haut Conseil des Collectivities Territoriales